E-commerce Business

From professional paints to consumer products, we deliver the "keen eyes of a specialist trading company" to customers all over Japan.
We make a careful selection of products from paint and painting experts always easily available to everyone. Through our online services, Uchigen can provide you with our extensive network covering all our paint and painting-related products, as well as our keen eyes as paint and painting experts.

We make product sales to professionals and individuals across the country, mainly on our own e-commerce website "Uchigen Base"

Uchigen’s extensive knowledge of paint products and our excellent purchasing network make for an e-commerce business with a unique product lineup and competitive prices. In addition to our e-commerce site "Uchigen Base" which is operated by the company, our sales channel uses major e-commerce malls in Japan in consideration of customer convenience. For professionals who have never done business with us, do-it-yourself enthusiasts, and other customers in general, we offer products and convenience unique to Uchigen.
Taking advantage of the unique feature of e-commerce, which allows us to directly receive feedback from customers, we are taking on the challenge of planning and developing original products. We are working closely with manufacturers to capture the needs and trends of the times and deliver products that are more attractive than ever before.

Specialized support system is the strength of Uchigen EC

Are you worried about after-sales support when using online shops? Such worries are not an issue with Uchigen's online shop. We work with in-house experts to answer highly specific inquiries by email or phone. In particular, we demonstrate our strengths as experts in paints and painting when engaged in consultations that require specialized knowledge and experience, such as painting on special materials or in special environments.

Introducing the Uchigen online shop

Specialty Paint and Painting Mail Order | Uchigen Base

Uchigen Base is the official online shop of the paint specialist trading company Uchigen Co., Ltd. We envision this site as a fictional "base" where paint professionals gather, and we carefully select and sell only those products that we truly believe to be good.

E-commerce mall

To increase customer convenience, we operate online shops on major domestic e-commerce malls.