Pursuit of Quality/Environment Improvement
Management Policy
As a trading company who supports Monozukuri (manufacturing), Uchigen Co., Ltd. devotes itself to integrated management activities for both quality and environment protection under the corporate policy of “conducting business activities for realization of a recycling-oriented society while meeting product requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction”.
Quality Policy
- In order for our products and services to meet the requirements of ISO 9001, customer requirements and legal demands, we will promote quality management activities by reviewing the system periodically and continuously improving its validity.
- We will enhance customers’ relief and credibility by formulating risk management and disaster response so that business continuity can be assured against unexpected disasters.
- Under the above management policy, we will conduct quality management activities, especially focusing on the following four topics, and review the system periodically.
(1)Strive to enhance capability of each employee and achieve sales targets towards our long-term management plan, “Value Up Challenge 2026!”.
(2)Make efforts to maintain stable quality of products and ensure stable supply through tight inventory control.
(3)Abide by the work standard when working to manufacture blended colors to enhance product quality.
(4)Aim to strengthen the workplace capability by promoting the 6S (Seiri or Sort, Seiton or Straighten, Seiso or Sweep, Seiketsu or Standardize, Shitsuke or Self discipline, Saho or Standardized manners) in the workplace.
Environmental Policy
- We will make consistent improvement in the environmental management system by identifying the environmental impact of our business activities, set the purpose and goal where technically and financially feasible, and promote prevention of environmental pollution.
- We will not only comply with the environmental-related law and regulations as well as the other requirements agreed by the organization but also establish voluntary management standards and maintain them.
- We will strive to comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and to prevent environmental pollution, taking into consideration of the environmental impact caused by our business activities.
- Among the environmental impacts caused by our business activities, we will focus on the following three topics for conducting environmental management activities, and also check them periodically.
(1)Make efforts to provide environmentally-friendly products, technologies, and services.
(2)Drive a company car carefully and safely to reduce CO2 emission.
(3)Promote energy and resource conservation in order to reduce environmental burden.
Through improvement of quality/environment education, each employee will recognize quality/environment issues and understand quality/environment policies, and all the employees of our company will be committed to the quality/environment management activities.